Parents » PTO/SSC/ELAC


Parent Organization

The Parent organization at Leland Elementary is a volunteer organization dedicated to making a difference in the education, health, and safety of the children at Leland Elementary. It is open to ALL parents, grandparents, community citizens, and others who want to help our kids succeed. The group meets monthly and provides money and volunteers to host assemblies, art experiences, and fun events for all of the students at Leland... and we need every parent's support.

School Site Council (SSC)

The School Site Council is comprised of the principal, teachers, staff, and parents. SSC is the excision making council responsible for developing, monitoring, and evaluating the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), and developing budget aligned to categorical funds. SSC meetings are held once each month.

English Language Academic Council (ELAC)

The English Language Advisory Council (ELAC) is comprised of the principal and parents of English Language Learners. ELAC is responsible for advising the administration and school staff in evaluating the implementation of the District Master Plan for English Language Learners, planning, monitoring, evaluating, and modifying the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), and budget. ELAC meetings are held once each month. Check the school calendar for dates.