Parents » Communication



School - Home Communications

It is important to be informed about the events at Leland. You will have access to information by the following methods:

  • Paper notifications, documents and fliers
  • The Leland website
  • Telephone Messages
  • LAUSD Parent Portal.

Most school-home communications such as monthly calendars, meeting notifications, reminders, etc. will go home with your child, once we get back to school in person.   Please check your child's backpack and folders daily and especially on Monday and Friday. We will also add notifications here as they become available.

We will also be using the Blackboard Connect electronic phone/text communication system to inform you about school events, attendance, special announcements, and emergency situations. 

It is encouraged that parents gain access to the LAUSD Parent Portal.  Parent Portal can be directly linked to your child's SCHOOLOGY page. Click the link below to go directly to the Parent Portal Website.

Parent portal